
It’s no secret that I love my Sycamore Moon covers. I wanted to give a shout out to Bookfly Design for their amazing work. They’re featuring me on their front page right now. “Bookfly’s portfolio was all the convincing I needed to give them a try, but my experience collaborating with them blew me away.  […]

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The Sycamore Moon series is a mash-up of detective fiction, outlaw action, and fantasy/horror elements such as witches and werewolves. I’ll talk more about the series later when Book 2 launches, but first I want to give readers an update on Book 3, The Green Children. Outlines are important to me. Stories needs to simmer […]

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This is the key law to obey as a self-publisher. Everyone’s heard the advice. Writers write. But it goes farther than that. Sure, entrepreneurs need to balance their workload between creative and business tasks. You need to be smart about how you do it. Essentially, if you’re not creating new content then your time is […]

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What does it mean when an author mysteriously stops blogging for a month? Probably that he got lost spirit walking in the desert and woke up naked, soaking wet, and wrapped in an American flag. Or maybe he just finished editing his new behemoth of a novel, The Blood of Brothers. Maybe that doesn’t sound […]

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I don’t usually post reader reviews on my blog, but after a successful GoodReads giveaway for Shade City, Rick Hunter gave me a great one. I thought it was so personal and meaningful that I had to repost it here. Once my attention was finally turned to this novel, I could not put it down. […]

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I’ve been light on updates while trying to complete my final revisions. That said, I’m just about ready to send The Blood of Brothers to my editor. My last checks are just searching my manuscript for words and phrases that I tend to overuse. Sometimes they’re called for, but many times I can make the […]

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Most myths have some foundation in truth, and this one is no exception. The thinking goes like this: However long it takes to write a book, knock it out and start the next one. Time spent iterating on second and third drafts is a waste. You could spend forever improving your book (or any art) […]

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I’m not gonna go as far as to say that first drafts can’t be good, but by definition, they’re your first effort. Trust me. You could do better. A few weeks ago I mentioned that I had completed the first draft of The Blood of Brothers. This is my longest novel yet, weighing in over […]

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I have nothing against the white wizard of light battling against the ancient lumbering darkness, but these days conflicts need to be more sophisticated than that. Threesomes are Complicated One sure-fire way to mix things up is to add a third party. An outlaw wants to free his friend from jail and the sheriff wants […]

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Less than 11 hours left. All you need to do is head over to GoodReads and enter the free giveaway and you could be receiving a paperback copy of The Seventh Sons of Sycamore.   Goodreads Book Giveaway The Seventh Sons of Sycamore by Domino Finn Giveaway ends September 04, 2014. See the giveaway details […]

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